jubilee MEdal sale
With the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations fast approaching we asked our medal expert, Mark Smith, to have a look through our stock and pull out a few fine examples that had been awarded during Her Majesty’s reign. Please take a look at the selection below, and if you require more information please contact Mark at: mark@baldwin.co.uk .
An unusual Uganda Independence Medal
General Service Medal 1918-62 to Private W.E. Tanton RAOC
General Service Medal 1918-62, EiiR, one clasp, Cyprus, to Junior Technician J.A. Coppendale
General Service Medal 1962-2007, one clasp, Borneo, to Signaller R.E.J. Culley
GSM, EIIR, one clasp, to Captain J.C.S. Smith
GSM, EIIR, one clasp, to Squadron Leader PG Gilbert
Korea Medal, 1950-53 to Able Seaman D.H. Brown
Naval General Service Medal 1909-62, EiiR, one clasp, Near East, to Able Seaman H.E. Furr
Official Replacement Efficiency Medal, EiiR, Territorial suspender with additional 6 years’ service bar to Corporal T. Nightingale
The Pluck Family – Brother and Sister