A Royal Navy, Korea, Near East Long Service Group of 3 awarded to Chief Radio Supervisor. K.G. Greenaway comprising United Nations Korea, unnamed as issued, Naval General Service Medal 1909-62, EiiR, one clasp Near East (D/JX795558.K.G. Greenaway. P.O. Tel. R.N.), Royal Navy Long Service & Good Conduct Medal, EiiR, (JX.795558 K.G. Greenaway C.R.C. H.M.S. Phoenicia.) contemporarily mounted as worn, very fine
The Maltese HMS Phoenicia was the fort structure on Manoel Island in Valetta harbour alongside the former submarine base of HMS Talbot, onetime home to the 10th Submarine Flotilla.
This fort housed all the Combined Operations personnel including the Bombardment Unit signallers, and the Commando units.
The forerunner of 148 Forward Observation Battery RA, the Combined Operations Bombardment Units [COBU] were mixed units that included Naval Signallers acting in the “Chief Radio Supervisor” role (CRS).