Charles I (1625-49), Oxford, ‘Declaration’ Half-Unite, 1643, NGC AU58+

Item Reference: C223007076 Share
Charles I (1625-49), Civil War Issues, Oxford, ‘Declaration’ Half-Unite, 1643, larger crowned and draped bust left extending to the bottom of the coin, value behind, inner and outer beaded borders,…
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Charles I (1625-49), Civil War Issues, Oxford, ‘Declaration’ Half-Unite, 1643, larger crowned and draped bust left extending to the bottom of the coin, value behind, inner and outer beaded borders, legend reads from bottom left CAROLVS DG M BR FR ET HI REX. Rev, outer legend surrounds EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI. Inner legend declaration made at Wellington, Shropshire, September 1642; ‘RELIG PROT LEG ANGL LIBER PAR on continuous scroll, three even sized plumes above, date below, 4.38g (S.2742; N.2395; Brooker 858).

Light gold even cabinet toning, noticeably clear fields free from any nicks or severe etches or scratches. Large bold bust, elaborate and detailed in the hair and armour, slight softness in the Kings nose, beard and outer regions of tunic. Rev, excellent rendition of the declaration, with the vast majority of the outer legends also legible, some minor dishing. All in all an excellent specimen, perhaps conservatively graded by NGC as AU 58+, extremely fine for issue, rare.

Finest certified by NGC.


Period 1625 - 1649
Date 1643
Coin Group




Coin Ruler

Charles I



Coin House

House of Stuart



Mint Mark

Oxford mint/ Declaration Half Unite,.

Weight 4.38 g

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