A North West Europe, Combined Operations, Group of 4 awarded to Temporary Sub-Lieutenant George C. Thompson Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve H.M.S. C.O.P.R.A., comprising, 1939-45 Star, France & Germany Star, 1939-45 Defence Medal, 1939-45 War Medal, all unnamed as issued, very fine
HMS COPRA – Combined Operations Pay Records Administration – this unit was the administration unit for landing Craft Crews and Beach Parties during hostile landings, George’s medals would suggest Duty for the Normandy landings.
Sold in original box of posting addressed to Mr G.C, Thompson, 26, Downington Road, Willesden, London NW10, additionally addressed on side T/Sub Lieut R.N.V.R., with bestowal slip for the four awards, medals in packets of issue, with original photograph in RNVR Sub-Lieutenant Uniform.