James II (1685-1688), Landing of William of Orange at Torbay 1688, AR medal 1688 (50mm) by Regnier
Arondeaux. William (as Roman warrior) standing right, holding sword, trampling upon serpent,
and clasping the hand of Britannia standing left; lighted altar between; to right, orange tree adorned
with roses and thistles and Royal Arms; in background to left, Sir Edward Petre escaping with Prince
James before rising sun, DEO VINDICE IUSTITIA COMITE, with God as our protector, and Justice as our
companion, rev. Troops disembark from boats near fortified harbour; large fleet upon horizon, CONTRA
INFANTEM PERDITIONIS, against the child of perdition; in three lines in exergue, EXPEDITIO NAUALIS
PRO LIBERTATE ANGLIÆ MDCLXXXVIII, the naval expedition for the liberty of England. (MI i 639/65; E
298; Woolf 3:8).
Extremely Fine or better with much original colour.