Renaissance Italy. Sperandio da Mantova (c.1425-1504). Pelligrino Prisciani (c.1435-1518), Counsellor to Duke Borso and Ercole I, and Court Astrologer to the Este family, cast Bronze Medal, 1473 (Hill, Corpus 374; Arm I, 72, 35; Pollard [2007] 88; Kress 121; Pollard, Bargello 104).
An early and probably contemporary cast, some tooling, very fine, pierced by RI of PRISCIANVS. Prisciani was known as a multifaceted humanist. The arrow, clearly seen in the Bargello specimen, is here depicted as a lance with the feathered flight replaced with a pointed tip.
Ex. Baldwin’s Auction 64.
From The Micheal Hall Collection.