Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume I: The Republic and the Twelve Caesars

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Sear, D. Roman Coins and Their Values. Volume I. The Republic and the Twelve Caesars 280 B.C. – A.D. 96. London, 2000, reprinted 2006. Quarto, pp. 532, illustrations throughout the…
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Sear, D. Roman Coins and Their Values. Volume I. The Republic and the Twelve Caesars 280 B.C. – A.D. 96. London, 2000, reprinted 2006. Quarto, pp. 532, illustrations throughout the text, valuations. Casebound, jacket.

For the beginner to the more advanced collector of Roman coins, David Sear’s multi-volume set of Roman Coins and Their Values provides an indispensable guide to the main types of Roman Republican and Imperial coins.
The introductory chapters in each volume provide an excellent overview of the denominations, the reverse types that appear on the coins, and the dating of the coins. Also included is a list of legend abbreviations and a useful glossary.
The list of mintmarks provided will also be of much use to students of later Roman coinage. Within each volume, coins are arranged chronologically and by reign, and then by denomination. Mints and dates are provided for each coin listed, and values are given in two different grades, and in both pound sterling and US dollars. Good black and white images are also provided of the major coin types to aid identification.

Overall, the best user-friendly and general guide available to the collector of Roman coins.


Weight 1080 g

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