South African Prison Service Group of three awarded to Lieutenant J.J. Fourie

Item Reference: C212019716 Share
South African Prison Service Group of three awarded to Lieutenant J.J. Fourie comprising, Prison Service Medal of Merit, (30283J Luit. J.J. Fourie), Faithful Service Medal, (43170/Bew. GR. 1 J.J. Fourie),…
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South African Prison Service Group of three awarded to Lieutenant J.J. Fourie comprising, Prison Service Medal of Merit, (30283J Luit. J.J. Fourie), Faithful Service Medal, (43170/Bew. GR. 1 J.J. Fourie), Medal For Faithful Service, (30283J Luit. J.J. Fourie), toned very fine, last on wrong ribbon.

Ref MYBSA48A, SA52, SA53


Medal Type

Military Medals

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