USA – A World War 1 Victory Medal with 4 clasp awarded to Private Alfred W. Johnson Battery E 5th Field Artillery comprising USA Victory Medal, with 4 clasp, Defensive Sector, Meuse-Argonne, Aisne- Marne, Montdidier- Noyon, unnamed as issued, fine
Alfred W. Johnson was born c.1887 he enlisted on the 25th of May 1917 in Billings, Montana, a Famer by occupation he served as 124746 Private Battery E, 5th Field Artillery, he served in the Lueneville Sector from the 6th of November to the 215th of November 1917, Montdidier Meuse Argonne, 1st of October to 11th of November 1918, Noyon 21st of April 1917 to the 7th of July 1918, Cautigey 28th of May to the 30th of May, Aisne Marne 17th of July to the 25th of July 1918, Saizerwais Sector 5th August to the 28th of August 1918. He was discharged 29th of August 1919.
Sold with a Certified Copy of Honourable Discharge form the United States Army issued in Iowa on the 7th of March 1949. Wrap around brooch retains original purple thread